Inspiring Healthy Eating … on a Budget

Health & Wellness, Parenting, Surviving Cancer By Oct 06, 2024 No Comments

Times are difficult, of late. Like many Canadians, we are feeling the financial strain of income versus expense. The cost of living has increased so much over these past few years, it’s frightening! We are acutely aware of how challenging it is to balance weekly income against weekly expense. This gripping reality has forced us to take a hard look at our day-to-day habits, questioning how we can scale back to accommodate the increased cost of living. Where can we cut from without compromising our pleasures and enjoyment of living?

I brought this question to my little family of three; and it was our son who came up with a wonderful and simple idea – introduce a weekly menu to help with meal planning. Brilliant! However, I didn’t want to limit the menu to a specific dish repeated each week, which is why have I never chosen a weekly menu plan in the past; however, our son suggested themed days. We would, or more precisely, I would, make a meal based on a region and/or cuisine on a specific day of the week. What a smart idea!

We implemented the weekly menu plan to coincide with the start of the school year. We are now on week #5 of the plan, and it has been a great success so far! Adhering to the weekly menu has forced us to think and plan our meals in advance. As a result of this, we are eating healthier, spending less on take-away, spending less on groceries, and even eliminating our food waste! We are exploring new recipes, and enjoying regular family dinners. I feel relieved knowing that we are not only lowering our food costs, but also eating healthier! And, I am very proud of my son for not only suggesting the weekly menu plan, but also trying new dishes (he is not an experimental diner!).

Since we are thoroughly enjoying the benefits of a weekly menu plan, I thought I would share it with all of you. Perhaps you are looking for ideas to refresh your meal planning, lower weekly expenses, or eliminate food waste; or perhaps you simply want to eat healthier without dieting. Whatever your reasons, I hope you can benefit from my son’s ideas. However, please keep in mind that it was my son who named our themes. So, they not only rhyme, but also incorporate the cuisines he enjoys. With that said, here is what our son came up with, and I execute on a weekly basis:

Mediterranean Monday
These colourful dishes often include chicken, couscous, lentils, peppers, and aromatic spices, inspired from Mediterranean cuisine.

Tuscany Tuesday
Although named after a region in Italy, these simple recipes encompass all Italian cuisine, from pizzas to pastas.

Wild Wednesday
As this theme suggests, it’s a wild-card day! I create dishes using ingredients and/or produce purchased over the weeks, ensuring that perishable food items are being incorporated to eliminate food waste.

Throne Thursday
These dishes are inspired by cuisines traditionally enjoyed in the UK (hence throne), such as stews, roasts, and of course, fish & chips!

Fiesta Friday
Fiesta Friday is a delicious celebration of Mexican cuisine. It’s my son’s favourite day, indulging in the bold and zesty flavours and the colourful cuisine. It’s always a hit!

Wacky Weekend
Or Worldly Weekend, as it often includes dishes from our favourite take-aways: Indian, Thai, and Chinese. Or, it may simply be the day we dine out – breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Whatever the choice, these are days we get to Be Wacky and Have Fun!

Running a household is never easy. It’s challenging at best to find balance in both lifestyle and budget. We source healthy, local foods and groceries items on a budget. Sometimes it’s a success, and sometimes it is not. However, adhering to a weekly menu plan has helped us save anywhere from $20 – $30 per week on groceries – approximately $240 – $360 a year. It may not seem like a lot, but it certainly helps. And choosing to eat healthy, home cooked meals makes me feel like I am doing all I can to ensure the health and well-being of both my family and myself.

And so, I hope my little post inspires you to find ways to refresh your weekly meals, aid in lowering grocery costs, and helps you balance healthy eating versus indulgence. It certainly has for us!

Inspiring Healthy Eating … on a Budget. Published by Crystal Joy Hall

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