
Crystal Joy

I am a dreamer. I am an artist. I am an adventure-seeker. I am a storyteller. I am a wife. I am a mommy. I am a cancer survivor. My name is Crystal Joy Hall. Share in my journey at

The Whisper of Change

It has been a whirlwind. These junior years have gone by so quickly, and the end of a school era draws near. Decisions for next year are upon us, as the whisper of change surrounds us. Where has the time gone? I reminisce of our earlier days together – playgrounds, splash pads, bike rides, trail walks, indoor play time, drawing,…

Give to Yourself

It’s no surprise to anyone who follows my blog that I have spent these past two years struggling to both find and maintain balance in my life. I’ve often sought the advice of others, and I have even offered my own advice to those who share my struggles. However, I have regularly failed to commit to making small adjustments to…

Let’s Talk About Breasts

It is October, which means, it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, let’s talk about breasts – more specifically – breast health. I was 40 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It shocked both myself and my family doctor. I was young(ish) and did not meet most of the increased risk factors. I also had no signs…

Inspiring Healthy Eating … on a Budget

Times are difficult, of late. Like many Canadians, we are feeling the financial strain of income versus expense. The cost of living has increased so much over these past few years, it’s frightening! We are acutely aware of how challenging it is to balance weekly income against weekly expense. This gripping reality has forced us to take a hard look…

Learning To Let Go

These past few months have been draining. It has not felt like a restful summer, however, it was a productive one. Outside of the obligations of work, my husband and I took time to refresh our home. We purged what no longer served our space and created a renewed sense of design aesthetics. Yet, throughout the process of creating a…

A Step Back in Time

Just two weeks ago I completed my round of annual scans and tests. This one was for my blood work. Since school is out, and I did not have the foresight to enroll my child into a summer camp, I had to bring my AmazingLM along with me. It’s not the first time I’ve had to bring him to my…

And What an Adventure it Was!

We are back!! It was 3 weeks ago today when we touched down at Newark International Airport. This time, our departure from start to finish was relatively seamless. Our plane departed on-time, and due to tailwinds, it landed early! Since we packed strategically to avoid checked baggage, we were able to depart from the plane and straight into an Uber….


“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.” – Unknown It is an uplifting quote – but – just trusting that better days are coming, sometimes, is simply not enough. We are complex creatures, not only driven by faith, but also…

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