Give to Yourself

Self-Reflection, Surviving Cancer By Jan 21, 2025 No Comments

It’s no surprise to anyone who follows my blog that I have spent these past two years struggling to both find and maintain balance in my life. I’ve often sought the advice of others, and I have even offered my own advice to those who share my struggles. However, I have regularly failed to commit to making small adjustments to ease my feelings of inadequacy and stress. Ashamed at this realization, and frustrated that I have often felt erratic in my day-to-day life I decided to commit to a small, attainable goal.

In January of last year, I vowed to read 12 books before the close of 2024 – one book per month. I was proud to partake in this reading challenge. I love to read, but I often don’t make time to do so. This small goal, tracked using the platform Goodreads, seemed both attainable and enjoyable. Best of all? Setting this goal would force me to invest in myself.

I embraced my reading challenge with verve. I pencilled in time to read. I forced myself to sit, relax, and lose myself in the many narratives, plots, and characters. I chose new books with care, and even dusted off books purchased from years ago yet left unread. I was crushing my goal. I was taking time for me. After many months of dedicated reading, my determination to succeed in my reading challenge sent me down an unexpected path…

Books and doors are the same thing. You open them, and you go through into another world. – Jeanette Winterson

For those who know me, they know that I am naturally introverted. I feel most comfortable with my very small group of family and friends, away from crowds and large [or even small] groups of strangers. So, it came as a great surprise to my family [and to me] that I leapt out of my comfort zone and joined a local book club. I was both nervous and excited to be a member of this small group of ladies, sharing a common interest – a love for reading. And what a wonderful decision it turned out to be!

I am not only being challenged with keeping up with my reading goal, but also being entertained with books and genres I would not have thought to read. I love that each lady in the club offers a wonderful dynamic in the world of reading! Not to mention how enjoyable they are to know as individuals. I look forward to our book club meetings, to not only chat about the recent read, but also to engage as women, sharing experiences and personal stories. I feel bolstered by these women, and I greatly appreciate this shared time with them.

As for my small, attainable goal set in 2024? I crushed it! In fact, I exceeded it! I read a total of 15 books over the course of 12 months. It was a solid accomplishment for me. It meant that I embraced small moments of self care and self indulgence. It meant that I invested in myself, and remained commitment to achieving my goal.

This year, I have challenged myself with reading 15 books. If I did it in 2024, I can certainly aim to do it again! It excites me, because I am taking nibbles out of my day, just for me, and only for me. I am placing value on my time and worth on myself. I am investing in me.

Small attainable goals are realistic. They are achievable. They make a difference. And you never know. These small goals can lead to bigger accomplishments in the future. So invest in yourself. Give to yourself. I promise you, it’s worth it!

Give to Yourself. Published by Crystal Joy Hall

Featured Image by Alexander Grey

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