A Step Back in Time

Parenting, Surviving Cancer, Treasured Moments By Aug 08, 2024 No Comments

Just two weeks ago I completed my round of annual scans and tests. This one was for my blood work. Since school is out, and I did not have the foresight to enroll my child into a summer camp, I had to bring my AmazingLM along with me. It’s not the first time I’ve had to bring him to my appointments, it’s simply the reality of parenting. So, I knew we could make a small adventure out of the day, which is precisely what we did. After my morning appointment, we headed to a beloved and special place not too far from home – Riverdale Farm – a place we have not been these past few years.

Nestled in the heart of Old Cabbagetown, Riverdale Farm offers a calming escape – a serene 19th century homestead – where children of all ages can wander aimlessly along the winding pathways, visit the animals that reside at the farm, picnic at the main house, or even participate in farm demonstrations. The sights, smells, and picturesque location of Riverdale Farm can make you forget that you are in downtown Toronto, or even in the 21st century, and that is truly a blissful feeling.

When my AmazingLM was many, many years younger, he and I would visit this little gem so often that we – more accurately he – developed a little routine. We would arrive at the main gate, make a small donation, then proceed into the farm and down the hill toward the cows and horses where, coincidentally, there were tractors parked along the fences. The tractors were always a big hit with my little guy. He had to say ‘Hi’ to the farm machines first, and if they weren’t parked there, then we were off searching the farm for the orange truck and green truck (affectionately named so, by my son). After visiting the tractors, we then proceeded into Francey Barn to say ‘Hello’ to the farm cat, whom my son lovingly called, Mimi black kit cat. If Mimi wasn’t sleeping in the barn, then we would go on another search of the farm seeking Mimi out. Once my little LM was satisfied with the completion of his routine, we then leisurely strolled along the walkways, visiting the cows, horses, sheep, goats, and ducks. After we said ‘Hello’ to all the animals grazing outdoors, we then proceed into the pig barn. Once inside, we were greeted with clucks, squawks, and grunts. The pig barn is home to hens, turkeys, bunnies, and of course the pigs. My son had lovingly named the four pigs Peppa, Mommy, Daddy, and George (from the British cartoon Peppa Pig). We would complete three rounds inside the pig barn before we left to continue a second (or third) lap around the 7.5 acre farm, to include the lower ponds in search of the turtles and frogs.

As my now almost 11 year old and I wandered into the farm, these memories and moments rushed at me. They flooded my heart, stopping short my breath. The farm had not changed. As I stood rooted at the front gate, gazing around, I revelled in the knowledge that the farm is truly is a time capsule; however, life is not. Both my son and I have grown, evolved, and aged. The moments once shared here at the farm were just that – moments in a time that I will never have again. As joyous and grateful as I am to have had those moments, I am equally saddened to realize they are forever gone. They will reside in memory only, as well as stamped in digital imprints. It is difficult to both acknowledge and accept the passing of time, moving on, and letting go.

…time spent together at Riverdale Farm over these many years…

Swallowing back these sharp and raw emotions, I pressed forward. I needed to be in the present, and recognize that this was another enchanting moment to share with my AmazingLM. Though we are not the same people we were 7 years ago, we are still mommy and son. And, as we amicably strolled along the walkways, we built a new memory together – one in which we reminisced over the past together – simultaneously creating a shared and memorable afternoon. We laughed at what we used to say, pointed out the small changes inevitable over the years, and marvelled at how picturesque the farm remains. We were not in a rush, and we enjoyed the lovely and lazy afternoon we were blessed with, both lost in reverie and ignorant of time.

Time. It is part of the allure of Riverdale Farm. Time has no bearing. The peaceful surroundings of the homestead suppress the everyday rush that you feel when residing in a city that sets such a hectic pace. Time spent in this very special place is nurturing – for you and your little one. It’s where memories are made and special moments happen. This I know. This, I am so very grateful for. At Riverdale Farm, my AmazingLM and I have created a lifetime of precious, lovely memories together.

When you think back to times of wonder and enchantment, where do your memories take you?

A Step Back in Time. Published by Crystal Joy Hall

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