
Crystal Joy

I am a dreamer. I am an artist. I am an adventure-seeker. I am a storyteller. I am a wife. I am a mommy. I am a cancer survivor. My name is Crystal Joy Hall. Share in my journey at

This Is My Story

My mother raised my sister and me to be aware of our bodies, to respect our bodies, and to take care of our bodies. She watched her Mother, Father, Aunts, and Uncles fight the fight against cancer, and lose. Therefore, she was insistent that we eat healthy, be active, don’t smoke, and get regular check-ups at the doctor’s to ensure…

This Mundane Day

There is nothing extraordinary about today. I woke up. I showered. I woke my little one. I made his breakfast. I took him to nursery school. I ran errands… basically it’s been a day like any other day. But that is the beauty of today. It’s having this day – this mundane day – to live, to breath, to enjoy….

Oh, Hello Thunderous Threes

Parenting is tough. I honestly think it is the most difficult job I have ever signed up for. You don’t get to “clock in” or “clock out” and you don’t get any time off. Not ever. No rest. No day off. No vacation. You work round the clock 24/7. And you are at the demands and needs of your child….

Earth Angel

Cancer sucks. The physical ramifications as well as emotional and mental anguish it thrusts upon you is life-changing and debilitating. And it is not a ‘change’ that anyone wants to endure, but so many of us are forced into this tumultuous journey called ‘cancer’. It just sucks. It’s a black hole of pain, terror, struggle, and stress. What gets a…

Hello Loneliness

When I learned I had breast cancer I prayed long and hard for my life to be spared. I was a new mom. My son was only 21 months old. There were still all these ‘firsts’ I wanted and needed to bear witness to – his exit from babyhood into toddler – into pre-schooler – to his first day of…

Stress. Stress. Stress.

Stress. Your body’s way of responding to a threat – physical, mental, or emotional. Stress.   Stress is a factor in everyday life. We all experience various levels of stress; but when you are diagnosed with cancer your stress level skyrockets to unchartered heights. You stress about the extent of the disease, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery, the prognosis;…

Damned If You Do … Damned If You Don’t

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you begin to question “why”. What caused it? Why this particular cancer? What have I done wrong in my life that caused my cells to malfunction? Yes – what have I done wrong … You blame yourself. It’s a dangerous path to tread along because it inevitably leads to guilt, shame, anger, and frustration….

Everything Goes Too Fast

Early morning sunrise. A child’s laughter. A husband’s gentle touch. Dew sparkling on rich green grass and dripping from flowers in bloom. The morning song of birds. The smell of summer wafting in the air. Life prevalent all around you. Breathe it. Hear it. Taste it. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Experiencing this life? Fighting for this life? For…

Bittersweet Good-Bye

As I have said, many times over, I thankfully did not embark on this cancer journey alone. I was surrounded by love, kindness, compassion, guidance, and support. I had a community of people from near and far rallying around me, ensuring that I, my husband, and my child were kept safe and cared for, both emotionally and physically. Today I…

This Is My Breast

Warning: What you are about to read may make you feel uncomfortable. Not everyone is capable of hearing about the realities of breast cancer after surgery, and that’s okay. Stop reading. But – for those who seek a little enlightenment – this is my story, well, a petite segment of it anyway.   As I have said before, I was…