
Crystal Joy

I am a dreamer. I am an artist. I am an adventure-seeker. I am a storyteller. I am a wife. I am a mommy. I am a cancer survivor. My name is Crystal Joy Hall. Share in my journey at

Dear Moms… A Gentle Reminder

It has been a difficult month of little-to-no sleep in our household. My son’s anxiety is peaked, which means his sleep is broken and disturbed, and that ultimately means mine is too. It is difficult to remain centred, grounded, and patient when exhausted and suffering from sleep deprivation. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had 4 hours of…

Time for a Reset

My job can be demanding. Very demanding. It requires an incredible amount of patience, empathy, patience, firmness, patience, attentiveness, and oh – did I mention patience? It takes a lot out of me both mentally and emotionally. And then there is parenting. A 24/7 job that demands – really demands. Yes. My lifestyle is one where I am answering to…

Welcoming in the New Year

In my previous post [from past New Year’s] 2019…A Year of Adventure I talked about a shift within me – a small but mighty shift. I mused over what the year had in store for me – adventure. However, as I reflect on 2019 I am acutely aware of the hardships, the losses, the good-byes, and the unexpected setbacks I…

Before the Calm

I sit here, on this bleak and dismal December morning, with my head spinning – how is Christmas only 15 days away? I am not ready for this. I am not feeling that Christmas Spirit one expects to feel this time of year. What I have been feeling is anxious, stressed, and fatigued. And it is greatly affecting me –…

The Age of Six

The Age of Six… what a fascinating time this is! A time of physical growth, emotional growth, and intellectual growth. It is remarkable! And I am witnessing these growths – these changes – within my son at a rapid rate. Just weeks before Liam turned 6 years old I witnessed a major shift within him that directly impacted our relationship….

Every Scar Tells a Story

Living in a society that worships outward beauty and perceived perfection can be difficult for those of us who bear visible scars. We are not perfect. We are flawed – but – we are alive, we have survived, and we have a story to tell. Each scar tells a story. Within that story is often a lesson. Within that lesson…

When Profit Means More…

Quite recently I dealt with the frightening realities of Adjuvant Therapy [cancer treatment], which has catapulted me into the dark abyss of fear and anxiety. Two weeks ago I attempted to refill my prescription of Tamoxifen only to be informed by my pharmacist that it wasn’t available. It was a voice message I received after-hours and it left me in…

A Boutique for All Women

It is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And though I have shared my journey over these past 4 years, I do feel the need to talk a little about the realities of breast cancer, and how one particular establishment has aided in my journey. Melmira. It is a special place – a boutique for all women to feel recognized, honoured, feminine,…

My Son’s Love Affair with BTTF

My son has always had obsessions with movies. His first was Disney’s Cars. We watched it to the point that we could recite every single line of the movie. As annoying as it was to watch the same film almost daily, it was also kind of adorable. It made Liam SO happy – grinning from ear to ear, reciting lines,…