Time for a Reset

Health & Wellness, Self-Reflection, Surviving Cancer By Jan 24, 2020 2 Comments

My job can be demanding. Very demanding. It requires an incredible amount of patience, empathy, patience, firmness, patience, attentiveness, and oh – did I mention patience? It takes a lot out of me both mentally and emotionally. And then there is parenting. A 24/7 job that demands – really demands. Yes. My lifestyle is one where I am answering to the demands of hundreds as well as the [rightful] demands of my beautiful child. It becomes both exhausting and stressful. In fact, at the start of the new year, I found myself feeling anxious, and that is when I realized the extent of my exhaustion, stress, and depletion. I was burnt out.

It was time for a reset.

But how does one reset? Some believe that to reset [your life] you need to decide what you want, have concrete goals, know your obstacles, and make a plan. Others believe that a reset can be as simple as establishing small everyday routines, such as meditation, deep breathing, or positive affirmations.

For me, the reset had to be organic. I needed to reflect on what is important to me – remember the little things I enjoy – and I needed to nurture them. And so that is what I have been focusing on these past few weeks – those little things that bring me simple pleasure. I thought I would share them in hopes that it may inspire or perhaps even inform.

Reading. I am taking time in my day to read: news articles, magazine articles, and books. Instead of mindless web surfing and Facebook perusing I am investing that time into literature. As a result, my mind feels nourished by the written word. Reading is a simple pleasure that I have always enjoyed.

Music. Whether I am tuned into Spotify, iTunes, my CD stereo, or my turntable, I am listening to music everyday. It is inspiring, uplifting, joyful, and soulful.

Piano. I stopped playing the piano shortly after my surgery. Playing aggravated the nerve damage, causing radiating pain to shoot up and down my arm. So I stopped. But I have missed it. Yearned for it. And last week, for the first time in 4 years, I sat down and started to play again. The joy I felt whilst playing far outweighed the pain. I have taken time in my day everyday to tickle the ivory keys and I am thrilled that I finally can – it is progress!!

Deep Cleaning. I have written about decluttering in my post the Art of Decluttering – how it can feel freeing to let go of things that no longer serve you or do not represent you at your best – and deep cleaning is an extension of that art. With it comes some decluttering; however it is more about creating a fresh space – a cleansed space. I dust walls, pictures, and underneath the furniture. I remove every item from every shelf. I wash the shelves, and clean each item. I carefully rearrange, tidy, and reorganize. It feels good because I am reconnecting with my space – my home – reminding myself of what I own and what I can pay forward.

Wish List. In lieu of New Year’s resolutions, I made a wish list for 2020 (that you can read in my post Welcoming in the New Year). I have been staying true to my wish list: nurturing my whole health; slowly kick-starting the creative endeavours; breathing through the stresses to achieve calm; and having mini-adventures. The wish list has been in integral part of my reset these past few weeks.

Family & Friends. This has been an important reconnect for me. I have been taking time to visit with family and to meet with friends. This human connection to those I love, respect, and cherish has filled me with great comfort and joy. I have missed spending time with these amazing and lovely people and am grateful that I am able to have this time to reconnect. Too often I am caught up in my everyday, depleted from dealing with people by the hundreds that I cannot find the energy to visit with the people I love. This is a sad realization, which is why I needed this reconnection. I needed to nurture the relationships important to me to achieve a successful reset.

To change your life you need to change your priorities.

There are/were changes I needed to make in my life and this recent reset reminded me of what is important – truly important – to me. I realized what changes I needed to make – organically – and how I needed to shift my priorities. And, by doing so, I am achieving inner harmony … and the power to be myself.

Time for a Reset. Published by Crystal Joy Hall

Featured Image by Ylanite Koppens


  1. Laura says:

    I think this shows that a reset doesn’t have to be grandiose. It just needs to be a shift in focus, and attention paid to other things that are familiar but ignored. Great post.

    1. Crystal Joy says:

      Thank you Laura.

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