

Contemplating and reflecting on present feelings, hopeful dreams, life ambitions, and new beginnings.

Give to Yourself

It’s no surprise to anyone who follows my blog that I have spent these past two years struggling to both find and maintain balance in my life. I’ve often sought the advice of others, and I have even offered my own advice to those who share my struggles. However, I have regularly failed to commit to making small adjustments to…

Learning To Let Go

These past few months have been draining. It has not felt like a restful summer, however, it was a productive one. Outside of the obligations of work, my husband and I took time to refresh our home. We purged what no longer served our space and created a renewed sense of design aesthetics. Yet, throughout the process of creating a…


“Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.” – Unknown It is an uplifting quote – but – just trusting that better days are coming, sometimes, is simply not enough. We are complex creatures, not only driven by faith, but also…

Fostering a Dream

There is a precious moment of parenting that I am all to aware will soon come to an abrupt end – bedtime stories. Fortunately, for now, my LM still enjoys being read to. It calms his active mind and restless body, and readies him for the land of sleep. We read chapter books, picture books, comics, or kids graphic novels,…

Pushing Through the Strife

I wish I could say that this has been a good month. It truly should be. It’s June! The skies are blue, the flowers are in bloom, summer is in the air, days are getting longer, and I just returned from a magnificent adventure across the pond and have wonderful new memories settling within my heart. I should feel carefree…

A Life Lesson

I have found it quite difficult, of late, to pull my thoughts together and create a cohesive piece of writing. I am not sure of the reason, or reasons, I just know I am stuck – like a tire spinning in mud – I’m spewing out random bits of thought yet unable to pull it all together into one fluid…

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