Good-Bye Purple Tree

Today marked Liam’s final day at Purple Tree Child Care. I remember vividly the first day he attended the pre-school; how little he was and how vulnerable we both felt. I still feel the ghostly remnants of the tears, the apprehension, the worry, and the loneliness of that day. It was a difficult and emotional moment of letting go for…

Baby Steps

As I approach my 2yr Cancerversary I realize that I’ve been taking baby steps the entire way. A bit too frightened to move forward, yet determined to make that step; a bit too hesitant to claim victory, yet resolved to triumph. I have an array of emotions, thoughts, feelings, memories, and sensations whirling around in my head and in my…

No Regrets Please.

In 1994 I was given the opportunity to study musical theatre performance at a prestigious theatre school in New York City, in lieu of attending a university here in Canada. With my parents’ blessing, I chose New York. I was 19 years old and very hungry for life; to make something of myself; to express my creative voice; and to…

Lessons From Liam

Today is Mother’s Day. Traditionally a day when we celebrate all those amazing moms, including our own mom, our sisters, our friends, or any woman who enriches, nurtures, and positively impacts the lives of our little ones. It is a day to honour a mother’s courage, sacrifice, encouragement, compassion, and strength; and it is a day to recognize the selflessness…

Please Put My Grumpies Away

It is a remarkable spring day; although there is a cool breeze, the sun is brightly shining, and the warmth of its rays is stretching down from the brilliant blue skies to all below. Finally, it feels like the grip of winter has, at last, relented. Yet I struggle to smile today. I struggle to feel calm, serene, and happy….

For The Love Of Coffee

It has definitely been a difficult few weeks. I haven’t had a lot of sleep because my son is in a phase where shadows, darkness, and generally all things spooky is waking him up each and every night, at all hours of the night. And of course, when tired and run down, my own thoughts become bleak, dreary, and wearisome….

I am Grateful

Life is fleeting. It can toss us down a chaotic path, hurtling us through our days and catapulting us through the weeks. We get caught up in this breakneck speed and forget to take a moment – a simple moment to breathe, to connect, and to just be; and we forget to be grateful for all the little things that…

There Will Always Be Uncertainty

Fear can really mess with your emotions. It can toy with your hopes, play with your thoughts, and manipulate your mind. Today, fear took control of me – my thoughts, my actions, and basically my better judgement. And for this I am angry. I am angry because I gave fear the power to mess with my mind; and I am…

We All Need a Bit of Magic

Yesterday marked my final appointment at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) and the University Health Network. I am filled with so many mixed emotions – gratitude, anxiety, nervousness, joy, and sadness. I am especially overwhelmed with sadness knowing that my final day at PMH also marks my son’s final day at Magic Castle.   When I think back upon this breast…