

The Small Act of Kindness

I sat down today with the full intention of writing something prolific. I was sure that my words could inspire, enlighten, and resonate with my audience. I was excited to share, but as I began to write I swiftly realized that my thoughts remain fractured, and fraught with frustration and angst. I am completely exhausted from the demands of these…

My Little Epiphany

One…Two…Three…Four…Five… commence the outburst, the tears, and the yelling “No count Mommy!!!”… Here you have two very determined and head-strong personalities clashing in a battle of wills: Mommy vs. The 3yr Old. And though Mommy wins the round, she always feels like she has lost the match.   Sigh… Parenting is so hard. It is ridiculously hard. It’s tough to be…

Stress. Stress. Stress.

Stress. Your body’s way of responding to a threat – physical, mental, or emotional. Stress.   Stress is a factor in everyday life. We all experience various levels of stress; but when you are diagnosed with cancer your stress level skyrockets to unchartered heights. You stress about the extent of the disease, the surgery, the treatment, the recovery, the prognosis;…

Damned If You Do … Damned If You Don’t

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you begin to question “why”. What caused it? Why this particular cancer? What have I done wrong in my life that caused my cells to malfunction? Yes – what have I done wrong … You blame yourself. It’s a dangerous path to tread along because it inevitably leads to guilt, shame, anger, and frustration….

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