

Here’s hoping for Better days to come

I am not going to lie. This has been a challenging year, and we’re only into the month of April. There have been many stressors beyond mine or my family’s control that have created moments, days, even weeks of anxiety and worry, from emotional to financial burdens. It has become increasingly difficult to remain calm, present, and happy. Most days,…

This Space in this Moment

So here I am. Sitting in the waiting room. One year has passed. Eight years since diagnosis. Scanxiety. It doesn’t get any easier. Time may distance you from the events that altered the course you thought your life was taking, but the scars, the scars never fade away. They are always visible, always present, always in the mind’s eye. Those…

Pushing Through the Strife

I wish I could say that this has been a good month. It truly should be. It’s June! The skies are blue, the flowers are in bloom, summer is in the air, days are getting longer, and I just returned from a magnificent adventure across the pond and have wonderful new memories settling within my heart. I should feel carefree…

A Life Lesson

I have found it quite difficult, of late, to pull my thoughts together and create a cohesive piece of writing. I am not sure of the reason, or reasons, I just know I am stuck – like a tire spinning in mud – I’m spewing out random bits of thought yet unable to pull it all together into one fluid…

Chasing Days

It has been a whirlwind of a fall/winter – from my husband’s new role [at work] and increased responsibilities; to my own new role [at work], change of shifts, increase of responsibilities; to my son’s hectic schedule with school, recreational sports, and recording sessions – I feel like I am forever chasing days. Add in the responsibilities of parenting and…

The Whispers of Autumn

Autumn It is autumn in Canada. This is the time of year when the rich greens of trees, and full blossomed flowers wither and fade; leaves turn to vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow; morning dew coats the browning grass; wasps flit all around, buzzing on their sugar high; and the wildlife surrounding us prepares for long, cold winter…

My Summer Hiatus

For those of you who follow my blog, first let me apologize for being MIA once again. It seems to be an annual occurrence – me, missing in action during the summer months. Although I did upload a post on July 20th entitled Healing From Trauma, I truthfully haven’t written or invested time in my blog since. I wish I…

Healing from Trauma

June was challenging. I slept walked through most of it, working hard at keeping emotions, memories, and phantom sensations at bay. Seven years since diagnosis. Seven years since multiple mammograms, ultrasounds, scans, blood work, biopsies, and a mastectomy all in a span of 22 days. And my journey has not ended. The healing begins after the trauma. And healing takes…

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