

A Life Lesson

I have found it quite difficult, of late, to pull my thoughts together and create a cohesive piece of writing. I am not sure of the reason, or reasons, I just know I am stuck – like a tire spinning in mud – I’m spewing out random bits of thought yet unable to pull it all together into one fluid…

Chasing Days

It has been a whirlwind of a fall/winter – from my husband’s new role [at work] and increased responsibilities; to my own new role [at work], change of shifts, increase of responsibilities; to my son’s hectic schedule with school, recreational sports, and recording sessions – I feel like I am forever chasing days. Add in the responsibilities of parenting and…

It Wasn’t Supposed to be Like This…

No one tells you what life will really be like when you grow older. Perhaps because no one really knows your journey – even I didn’t know my journey when I was many, many years younger. All I had was an idea – an ambitious dream. I was going to be an actor. Not just an actor, but a working…

Dear Moms… A Gentle Reminder

It has been a difficult month of little-to-no sleep in our household. My son’s anxiety is peaked, which means his sleep is broken and disturbed, and that ultimately means mine is too. It is difficult to remain centred, grounded, and patient when exhausted and suffering from sleep deprivation. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had 4 hours of…

My Little Epiphany

One…Two…Three…Four…Five… commence the outburst, the tears, and the yelling “No count Mommy!!!”… Here you have two very determined and head-strong personalities clashing in a battle of wills: Mommy vs. The 3yr Old. And though Mommy wins the round, she always feels like she has lost the match.   Sigh… Parenting is so hard. It is ridiculously hard. It’s tough to be…

The Tempestuous Threes

And so we find ourselves in the midst of the tempestuous threes. The turbulent and tumultuous emotions exuding from our darling little 3 year old every minute of his waking hours are exhausting, frustrating, and sometimes a bit embarrassing to cope with. Though I know this is yet another phase, another developmental leap that he is making, it can almost…