

25 Reasons Why I Love You

Today is Valentine’s Day. Fourteen years ago, on this day, I went on a date that altered my life forever… In my posts I talk a lot about cancer, about my own personal strifes, and about the challenges of being a Mom. But today, I want to talk about marriage. Truthfully, I have talked about my marriage before in my…

The Tapestry of Christmas

I wish I had more time to write, but this whirlwind month has my head spinning and my heart aching. Christmas truly is a wonderful time of the year, but it always arrives with a little bit of nostalgia. We celebrate – we come together with those we love – but as time passes and we grow older we recognize…

To the Heavens Above

Today I want to celebrate a remarkable lady. Her name was Margaret Anne Hall. Annie. She was my Little Grandma.   I got to know my Little Grandma during her own fight against cancer. I was young and impressionable, and in the time that she lived with us, she taught me many lessons. She taught me how to iron and…

Celebrate Your Little One

Today is Universal Children’s Day. A day in which we celebrate children.   As a mother to a 5 year old how did I not know about this day until – well – today? I don’t remember learning about this day in school nor did my parents celebrate Universal Children’s Day at home. Therefore I grew up completely unaware of…

My Little Blog of Hygge

It is autumn, and we are in full swing of the season – wet, dismal days and cold, bitter winds – but today is simply a beautiful one. The air is crisp and clean, the sun is sparkling, and the sky is radiating a brilliant autumn-day blue. Yes, it is still cold and bitter, but everything about this day feels…

Building Memories

Surviving cancer. It alters so much about who you are: your values, your hopes, your mindset, and your ambitions. You become acutely aware of what truly matters in life, and perhaps, not surprisingly, the things you once placed value on and gave all your energy and time to, were not the things of importance.   My son was 12 months…

The Foolhardy Fives

Oh yes, here we are, in the very early stages of the Foolhardy Fives. As Bette Davis famously warned ‘Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night [ride]’. She wasn’t kidding. She must have been a mother to a 5 year old…   Let me begin by expressing to all that I am no expert on child psychology or…

We Will Always Remember

I find myself in a restless place of reflection. Today is the 17th Anniversary of 9/11. A day that most people around the world will never forget – especially North Americans. Terrorist attacks, war, large-scale violence – these were all things reported about from the other side of the world, but not something you expected to witness in peaceful North…

It’s About the Remembering

It has been an emotional month. Over the past 22 days I suffered from severe scanxiety. I know that I have touched upon this type of anxiety in my previous post Perhaps… Just Perhaps. And let me tell you folks – this sh!t is real. As my mammogram and ultrasound fast approached my scanxiety worsened. I felt uneasy – my…

Spring Mail

In January of this year, I was approached by The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation (PMCF) requesting if they could use my story as their feature for the spring mailing campaign. They outlined the requirements and provided details regarding the mailing. I was apprehensive. Sharing my story through blogging and online videos allowed some anonymity – sounds strange to say –…