Wishes for the New Year

Health & Wellness, Surviving Cancer, Treasured Moments By Jan 01, 2022 No Comments

I have spent the final days of 2021 reading through blogs with the tagged post This Time Next Year. The idea of this tag is to write a post outlining your resolutions for the new year, how you are going to achieve those resolutions, and then, 365 days later write a post about whether or not you were successful. It’s a very interesting concept, and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the various resolutions that fellow bloggers have outlined. However, on a very personal level, I have found New Year’s resolutions to be rather unrealistic – at least for me. I am not sure why. Perhaps it is because the few times I made New Year’s resolutions I neglected to achieve those goals, and not for want of trying! Maybe the problem is that I never set realistic goals for myself, and therefore always felt like I failed myself somehow. Am I the only one that feels like this when a new year passes? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

As one year ends and a new year begins I prefer to think about how I would like to grow as a person, a wife, and a mother, which I have shared in a previous post Welcoming in the New Year from – YIKES – two years ago. Perhaps these are considered resolutions. They are personal goals. Was I successful in achieving those goals, and have I continued to practice the resolutions I laid forth? I am about to let you know…

Whole Health. At the start of 2020 I resolved to continue to eat well, enjoy treats in moderation, continue with  physiotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, movement classes, journalling, and holistic healing through essential oils. Have I kept these promises to myself and achieved these personal goals throughout this pandemic? For the most part, yes. Although the longest lockdown EVER did disrupt many of my treatments, I have managed to remain mindful of my whole health, as well as staying aware of my (one remaining) breast health. I practise pilates at least 3 times per week; take family walks, bike rides, and play outdoors with my son. I have kept a simple daily gratitude journal as well as a personal journal for heartfelt musings and soulful thoughts. I continue to use essential oils for my skin and scar, as well as in my diffuser to help balance my moods when feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Is there room for growth in all this? YES! I not only resolve to continue with my whole health regimes, but also to improve upon my nutrition by making more home-cooked, well-balanced meals for myself and my family, cutting back and/or cutting out processed/take-out foods.


Creative Endeavours. I failed miserably on this one. Although I did really well in 2020, creating and collaborating on a Sketchbook that now resides on the shelves of the Brooklyn Art Library (as you can read about in my post We Are All in this Together) as well as enjoying weekly drawings with my son (which you may also read about in my post Every Child is an Artist); I did not do what I had intended to do. I did not find representation for my children’s storybook. I did not resume piano. I did not learn more about design and development (for my blog). I did purchase and begin learning a ukulele in February 2021 with the intent on developing another musical skill, however I have – quite sadly – allowed that to also fall to the wayside. Everything I am passionate about was abruptly interrupted (except my blog) when remote learning occurred; and I have desperately struggled to get it all back on track. I can’t seem to focus my time or energy on what I love for myself. Why do I have such a mental block with my creative endeavours? I simply do not know. So, my first step in this new year is to figure out what is holding me back. Why am I procrastinating – is it even procrastination? I do have to wonder if it’s mere exhaustion. The emotional/mental burden of the ongoing pandemic has taken a toll on me, and when I have a quiet moment for myself I find that I simply have no energy to exert on me. I’m rattled, unfocused, and feeling frayed. So, my aim for these next 12 months is to patiently give to myself, investing small moments in my personal interests. I will take baby steps to achieve my creative endeavours.


Calm and Kindness. In 2020 I wished for continued kindness, and a greater achievement of calm and clarity. I did not succeed with this as much as I had hoped. I struggled to cope with the unrealistic stresses that the pandemic lockdown forced upon me – and I am certain I am not alone in feeling this way. The stress of remote learning caused a worrisome division in my relationship with my son. It is slowly on the mend, but we do argue far more than we used to, which is exhausting, tiresome, and hurtful. We are both quick to temper – my son not wishing to listen, and me beyond frustrated with being blatantly ignored. Gone are the simple days of laughter and joy. Both myself and my son are sensitive and emotional individuals – our raw feelings play off of each other. As the parent, it is my responsibility to find and share ways to cope and work through the differences. This is my aim for 2022 – finding meaningful, kind, and calm strategies to help both of us through these times – calm and kindness for each other. I can only hope he will listen…


Adventure. Well, clearly THIS didn’t happen in 2020. What did happen was a global pandemic. It forced us all to remain home – to pause on life. However, despite the restrictions and the lockdowns we were able to enjoy some form of adventure these past two years. We spent welcome time with family in northern Ontario; multiple trips to camp, which was both invigorating and relaxing; small get-aways and day trips done with the utmost caution and care; and little adventures just beyond our backyard. I even wrote a post entitled My Summer Adventures, which outlined the mini-adventures enjoyed after being locked down for such a long time. Do I hope for more? Who doesn’t!! With vaccines comes the renewed hope that we may yet have our dream vacation overseas. I really do hope that – this year – it comes to fruition.

It will be interesting to see how 2022 unfolds. With the world gripped in another wave of COVID-19 – this time the OMICRON variant – it’s hard to know how we will be impacted, what will be beyond our personal control, and whether we are in for another lockdown. Regardless of what is happening in the grand scheme of things, what I hope to achieve is found from within; and so hopefully my wish list – my goals for this new year – is feasible in this ever-evolving pandemic and this ever-changing world.

What are your wishes and personal goals for the new year? Whatever they may be, I do hope you find peace, clarity, and happiness in this new year.

Wishes for the New Year. Published by Crystal Joy Hall

Featured Image by Alexandr Podvalny

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