
Crystal Joy

I am a dreamer. I am an artist. I am an adventure-seeker. I am a storyteller. I am a wife. I am a mommy. I am a cancer survivor. My name is Crystal Joy Hall. Share in my journey at

Stumbling in the Realm of Essential Oils

Yes, stumbling. I am in the very, very early discovery stage of the bountiful benefits and uses of essential oils, which is strange for me, because for the past decade I have always prided myself in finding natural remedies for ailments as well as sourcing more natural, healthy, and affordable beauty products. So how have I not learned about or…

A Test of Wills

Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once. – Paulo Coelho I am struggling. I am struggling with the long, cold, harsh, bleak days hanging down on us. I am struggling because this time of year brings back vivid memories that are hard to…

25 Reasons Why I Love You

Today is Valentine’s Day. Fourteen years ago, on this day, I went on a date that altered my life forever… In my posts I talk a lot about cancer, about my own personal strifes, and about the challenges of being a Mom. But today, I want to talk about marriage. Truthfully, I have talked about my marriage before in my…

Coping Through

And so the dreariness continues. It seeps into my everyday and the weight of it bears down on me. These winter days are harsh, unrelenting, unpredictable, and exhausting. We don’t have the cold, bright blue skies and glistening snow to be able to go outside and enjoy the season – no snow forts, no snow angels, no tobogganing… as I…

2019…A Year of Adventure

It is my 4th New Year’s post breast cancer and this marks the first New Year in which I have felt a shift occur. A shift in energy; a shift within me. You see, with each new year since my diagnosis comes the inner battle of I hope this is a year I remain cancer-free immediately accompanied by a fear…

The Tapestry of Christmas

I wish I had more time to write, but this whirlwind month has my head spinning and my heart aching. Christmas truly is a wonderful time of the year, but it always arrives with a little bit of nostalgia. We celebrate – we come together with those we love – but as time passes and we grow older we recognize…

To the Heavens Above

Today I want to celebrate a remarkable lady. Her name was Margaret Anne Hall. Annie. She was my Little Grandma.   I got to know my Little Grandma during her own fight against cancer. I was young and impressionable, and in the time that she lived with us, she taught me many lessons. She taught me how to iron and…

Celebrate Your Little One

Today is Universal Children’s Day. A day in which we celebrate children.   As a mother to a 5 year old how did I not know about this day until – well – today? I don’t remember learning about this day in school nor did my parents celebrate Universal Children’s Day at home. Therefore I grew up completely unaware of…

My Little Blog of Hygge

It is autumn, and we are in full swing of the season – wet, dismal days and cold, bitter winds – but today is simply a beautiful one. The air is crisp and clean, the sun is sparkling, and the sky is radiating a brilliant autumn-day blue. Yes, it is still cold and bitter, but everything about this day feels…